Unlike some companies, we don’t charge a monthly fee for a once off service. Chat to us about your web needs, we’ll crunch some numbers and will provide you with a very reasonable quote – this is the design, deployment and polishing fee to make you a stunning website.
Other website costs to consider would be any premium plugins to add more features to your site, although we know all the right free plugins that’ll get you up and going on a budget (because we understand) and any extra work requested on the site after the initial job has been completed (new pages/ maintenance/ fixing problems etc.)
Next up are your monthly hosting costs, this is the monthly fee to host your website on the web, along with your professional email address(es). We will recommend our top rated host, with prices starting from R89 per month – quite reasonable, right?
Last but not least, are your domain name registration costs. This is the annual fee to renew your .com / .co.za / .net or any other domain name. These range from R79 for .co.za domains per year to a couple thousand rand for all the other funky domains like .xxx / .fans